What is Matatabi?
Matatabi, also known as Actinidia polygama, belongs to the kiwi family (Actinidiaceae). Its leaves and branches are also referred to as “Tenryō,” “Fuji Tenryō,” or “Silver Vine.” Matatabi holds a strong attraction for cats. After interacting with it, cats often exhibit excited behaviors such as rolling, licking, and playfulness. It can serve as a toy or recreational item for cats, helping them relax and stay entertained.
What effects does Matatabi have on cats?
Matatabi has certain medicinal properties. When consumed in moderation, it may help prevent diabetes, stabilize blood pressure, and support overall health in cats. Additionally, chewing or licking Matatabi can help clean a cat’s oral cavity by scraping teeth and removing food debris or plaque, contributing to better dental hygiene. For example, a typically lazy cat might become energetic and playful after using Matatabi, helping them release stress and excess energy.
Which cats are unsuitable for Matatabi use?
Kittens and cats with weak physical conditions are not recommended to use Matatabi too early or excessively. Kittens’ underdeveloped bodily functions may struggle to handle the stimulation from Matatabi.
Is your cat interested in Matatabi? Visit Ace Pet Home to order some for them now!